When using copper objects, over time the metal accumulates patina and dirt. Cleaning copper, brass and bronze at home is often easy.
And you can almost always find the right ingredients in the cupboard at home.
All the methods presented are suitable for all three metals.
Means and methods
In the cleaning of copper materials, several effective methods for removing patina and dirt from the metal surface have been discovered over many years.
Copper materials are durable and look good when well looked after. Unplated copper will darken over time, but fortunately you can restore its original colour even in home conditions.
Copper bottles and jugs should be washed/rinsed weekly, depending on water quality. When the water already has a metallic taste, you need to wash the product IMMEDIATELY.

Here are a few good ways to clean copper:
- When using commercial copper cleaning products, always follow the instructions for use (watch out for chemicals ! )
- Lemon and salt. Version 1: Add a little salt (preferably sea salt) to a split lemon and rub it into the surface of the copper. This mildly abrasive combination will polish copper in no time.
Version 2: Squeeze the fruit juice into a bowl, add salt. The consistency of the mixture should be like porridge. Take some of the mixture with a soft cloth and apply it carefully to the product until the dirt has disappeared. Rinse with warm water, and dry with a soft cloth. Suitable for exterior and interior use.
- Lemon and baking soda. Squeeze the lemon juice into a container and add a spoonful of baking soda. Rub the copper surface. Suitable for exterior and interior use.
- Ketchup and baking soda. Ketchup contains vinegar, salt and tomato.
And with the addition of baking soda, a good cleaning pasta is prepared. Preparation: squeeze ketchup into a small container and add baking soda. Prepare a paste-like mixture. Rub the copper surface, allow a moment to take effect. Rinse with warm water. Baking soda must not be put directly into the ketchup bottle ! (chemical explosion hazard )
- Powdered citric acid. Add a couple of spoonfuls of citric acid to a copper vessel, add warm water to the surface of the blusher. Allow to stand for about 10 min. Rinse with warm water.
- Toothpaste and baking soda. Prepare a paste-like mixture. Get an external surface. Let’s give a moment to be impressed. Rinse with warm water.
The cleaning cloth must always be soft, scratches can come surprisingly easily.
Make sure that the copper you import is not used lacquer ! (usually outside )
If the product is varnished, the bed can be washed with a normal detergent.

Safe use of copper products !