It is said that in ancient times, our ancestors stored water in vessels made of copper. Why did they whitewash the copper mug ?
Water is the most important element for sustaining life on this planet. 70% of the human body is made up of water. Surprisingly, the panel also has 70% water.
You may not have known this, but in ancient times, our ancestors and even our grandmothers followed the practice of storing water in copper containers.
Their aim was probably to drink water safely , but there is more to the story. In today’s world, where we have UV filters and water filters for water purification, storing water in metal tanks may sound old-fashioned and unnecessary. However, this ancient practice, referred to in ancient Ayurveda texts, is now supported by a number of scientific studies.
Storing water in a copper container creates a natural purification process.
It can kill all the micro-organisms, moulds, fungi, algae and bacteria in water that can be harmful to the body and make water perfectly potable. In addition, water stored in a copper container for at least four hours (max 8h) acquires a certain quality of copper. Copper is an essential trace element that is vital for human health. It has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps neutralise toxins.
Remember that copper does not remove chemicals from water!
Drinking 2-3 glasses of water stored in a copper container is another easy way to get enough copper in your body. According to Ayurveda, drinking copper-enriched water in the morning on an empty stomach helps balance the body. This also ensures the correct functioning of the different organs and the various metabolic processes.
Unlike some other nutrients, the body cannot synthesise copper, so it must be obtained from the diet. The best sources of copper are seafood, organ meats, whole grains, lentils, nuts, seeds, chocolate, cereals, peas and some dark green leafy vegetables.
In addition, here are 11 reasons why drinking water from a copper container is good for you:
- Helps the digestive system to work better
Copper has properties that help kill harmful bacteria and reduce inflammation in the stomach, making it an excellent remedy for ulcers, indigestion and infections.
Copper also helps to cleanse the stomach, regulate liver and kidney function and properly remove waste products and ensure the absorption of nutrients from food. “When water is stored in a copper tank, the mineral leaches into it. This water-soluble copper helps break down food particles and improves the digestibility of food.
2. Helps with weight loss
If you want to lose weight faster, try drinking the water stored in the copper container regularly. As well as fine-tuning your digestive system to work better, copper also helps your body to break down fat and remove it more efficiently, helping your body to retain only what it uses and discard the rest.
3. Helps wounds heal faster.
Known for its tremendous antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, copper is a great tool for rapid wound healing. In addition to this, copper is also known to strengthen your immune system and help in the production of new cells. But its healing properties don’t stop at helping the body externally; copper is also known to help heal wounds in the body, especially in the stomach.
4. Slows down ageing
If you’re worried about small lines appearing on your face, copper is your natural remedy. Packed with very strong antioxidant and cell-forming properties, copper fights free radicals, one of the main causes of fine lines.
5. Helps maintain heart health and balance blood pressure.
Heart disease is one of the most common ailments, and copper helps minimise the risk of developing the disease. Copper has been found to help regulate blood pressure, heart rate and lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
7. Protect you from infections
Copper is known to have an oligodynamic nature, i.e. it kills bacteria and can be very effective in destroying bacteria. It is particularly effective against E.coli and S.aureus, which are commonly found in our environment and are known to cause serious illness in the human body.
8. Regulates thyroid function
People with thyroid disease tend to have low levels of copper. Although this is most commonly seen in people with hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone levels), those with hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone levels) can also suffer from this deficiency.
9. Heals arthritis and inflamed joints
Copper has very strong anti-inflammatory properties. This property is particularly good for relieving aches and pains caused by inflamed joints – as in the case of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, copper also has bone- and immune-boosting properties, making it the perfect remedy for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
10. Promotes skin health and melanin production.
Copper is the main component in the production of melanin (the pigment that weakens the colour of eyes, hair and skin) in our bodies. In addition to this, copper also helps to produce new cells that help fill in the top layers of your skin, leaving it smooth and supple.
11. Increase brain efficiency
The human brain interacts with the rest of the body through electrical impulses. Copper helps cells communicate with each other by carrying out these impulses, so the brain works much more efficiently.
Also remember that just drinking water from copper containers is not enough to heal the body, diet and lifestyle are also important.
And sometimes you have to take breaks. Everything has to be in balance when your body gets too much copper. It can also be harmful to the body. Listen to your body ! It gives you the answer.
Safe drinking water !